Lawn Care Services in Pinellas and South Hillsborough, FL
Tree & Shrub Landscape Services
The trees and shrubs on your Florida landscape must be well-maintained in order for these plants to reach their full potential. While the trees and shrubs on your landscape provide a beautiful aesthetic to your property, they also offer much-needed shade and can even reduce the cooling costs in your home or business. At FOREVER GREEN Lawn & Pest Control, we offer a number of landscaping services to improve the health of your trees and shrubs. If you live in Pinellas County or South Hillsborough County, and you need professional landscaping services, contact our team today.

Deep Root Fertilization
If the trees and shrubs on your lawn are wilting or dying, it may be time for a deep root fertilization treatment from your local lawn care company. During this treatment, one of our landscape technicians will inject a blended fertilizer directly into the root zone of your trees and shrubs. This fertilizer will feed and nourish your lawn over time, resulting in a lush and beautiful landscape that you can be proud of.

Disease Control
Depending on the species of trees on your property, you may need to take preventative measures to ensure your trees are not diseased. Most diseases and abnormalities in trees and shrubs are caused by things like fungi, air pollution, and drought. Diseases can be a challenge to diagnose, but our team of lawn care experts is highly trained to distinguish the various diseases that can be found in Florida plants. At FOREVER GREEN Lawn & Pest Control, we take an integrative approach to managing insects and diseases, and we focus on maintaining optimal plant health using eco-friendly methods.

Insect & Mite Control
Did you know that there are thousands of pests in Florida that will feed on your trees and shrubs? From spider mites to webworms, there’s no shortage of outdoor insects that will find their way to your lawn. When you hire our professional lawn care company to inspect your trees and shrubs for pests, we’ll let you know what critters could be causing problems for your plants, before recommending the best treatment solution. On occasion, it may be necessary to utilize tree injections to rid your tree of specific pests and diseases.